Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why would a guy run away from a girl and blush when he sees her?

Because he fartedWhy would a guy run away from a girl and blush when he sees her?
there are some MEN that have been trained genicteicty to suppresses their emotions that when they are their in the heat .

Their is a reason for this .Survivable

there physical alpha yet have propounded that have attraced you. By combinining you training and genentictics you might thrive! survival is war!Why would a guy run away from a girl and blush when he sees her?
Because he's attractive to her in some way. He's probably nervous that he'll do something stupid (which usually results in this) and will never have a chance to even talk to her. It's quite natural and happens to the best of us.
I don't know. I never run away from girls, even though I sometimes chase them literally.
he likes her
your pretty dumb if youv to ask

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