Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does anyone know a nail polish color that is close to Nars blush in the color Orgasm [link with blush color]?;rlz=1T4GGIH_enUS257US258%26amp;q=nars%20blush%20in%20orgasm%26amp;um=1%26amp;ie=UTF-8%26amp;sa=N%26amp;tab=wiDoes anyone know a nail polish color that is close to Nars blush in the color Orgasm [link with blush color]?
Sephora actually sells a duo-set with the Nars blush and a nail polish the exact color.

If you have no luck finding it try Sephora Brand's Nail Polish in #23 its a nice peachy pink shimmer.Does anyone know a nail polish color that is close to Nars blush in the color Orgasm [link with blush color]?
Nars actually makes an Orgasm nail color, and you won't find a better match. You can pick it up at Sephora as part of the Orgasm Lip Gloss and Nail Polish set. It's $30 (valued at $40) and it's a limited edition Sephora exclusive. I have it, and love it.
Look at the link you provided.

The forth one down on the first row.

Jane is under about 5 dollars.

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