Monday, November 30, 2009

Embarrassing blush problemo?

'm 25 and over the last few years i've noticed that whenever i unexpectedly bump into someone i know, my heart rate soars and i feel my face just burn up. The worst was when i ran into a old school friend and he said are you ok? and i go yea why and he goes your face is sooo red lol that just made it worse. Anyone got any tips so i dont go re or to slow it down.Embarrassing blush problemo?
I used to do this alot on high school, its a confidence thing. You cant help you have fair skin.. anyone with fair skin will show blood vessels easier. Its a mental thing, if you think about turning red you will turn red. its very beatable, just takes time. I got over it like this... Whenever i would turn red, i would just accept it and pretend like it wasnt there %26amp; keep talking away. I even had people ask me ';why are you so red'; id say, i have no idea its a medical thing. As soon as you accept the fact you turn red %26amp; stop thinking about it, it will go away. I know, ive been there.Embarrassing blush problemo?
Smoke pot.

Smoke pot.


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