Monday, November 30, 2009

What makes you blush?

Long story short......

My friends and I were chatting about the teacher (you know, stuff like where he could put his homework.......) and then he came up behind us! It makes me cringe just thinking about what we were talking about and what he overheard..............What makes you blush?
a couple of years ago, i was talkin to my friend on the phone. we were talkin about this hot guy's cologne n i got so excited n couldnt control my accent.i was like:'oooo -my-god.i just wanted to jump on him n sniff him' meantime i felt someone was behind me and damnn it was my dad.i think he heard everything i told my friend.

it was really ambaresing n i actually blushed...

mine plz?鈥?/a>What makes you blush?
when im riding home on my scooter from school and start dancing too a song on my iPod and not relising that people from my classes are watching..

that made me BLUSH

+some boys

the boy im falling for
cute boys
when someone hears me singing
hot girls
Getting called up in front of a crowd unexpectedly. ARRRGH
Hot girls
hot weather.
A lot of things to be honest.
Blush ?

What's blush ?
the weather girl! She is sooo hot!@

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