Monday, November 30, 2009

Why do i blush and no one else >.<?

the tiniest thing and i blush bright red im easily embarrassed and now people do it on purpose to see me blush then laugh how can i stop blushing????????Why do i blush and no one else %26gt;.%26lt;?
You could start by not giving a ****. Then try to accept that all people get embarrassed and all people do things which draw attention to themselves which makes them feel uncomfortable. You never may then find yourself blushing less.Why do i blush and no one else %26gt;.%26lt;?
I think your friends need to start showing you some understanding and respect ;) Report Abuse

oh god, i used to be the same. It did stop for me eventually (though on occasion it does happen still). People can be mean, they just dont get how embarrasing it can be.

Its easy to say but don't let it get to you. Just have faith that you are probably very awesome and that it will pass.

I actually think its very pretty (My friend blushes all the time and she looks lovely :) ) so look at it as a plus.

an ex of mine used to use the green foundation stuff under her make up to take the red away, just dont layer it on or you can look like frankenstein :D
Step one would be to accept it as a part of you. It might be that your skin is just more likely to blush because you have pale skin or something.

If you do not bother about it but accept that that's a cute little part of you you will handle it much easier.

And maybe it won't happen that often after all

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