Monday, June 21, 2010

What makes you blush?

you know when somebody says something that really makes you blush, why does it happen, why does your face go all red at the moment when you want to look cool and calm, is there any way to stop it happening?What makes you blush?
If I find a girl attractive she will inevitably ensure I am now red but I never knew this until my friends told me I was embarrassing them . Other than that I sometimes go red at the start of like class presentations until I breeze through it.

How to get rid of it, you pretend you are just looking up and for like a second you just take a deep breath and then you exhale. All the orators who make great speeches or like actors all go through this. So don't fret man.What makes you blush?
When you're embarrassed, your body releases adrenaline. This hormone acts as a natural stimulant and has an array of effects on your body that are all part of the fight-or-flight response. Adrenaline speeds up your breathing and heart rate to prepare you to run from danger. It causes your pupils to grow bigger to allow you to take in as much visual information as possible. It slows down your digestive process so that the energy can be redirected to your muscles. All of these effects account for the jolt you feel when you find yourself embarrassed.

Adrenaline also causes your blood vessels to dilate (called vasodilation), in order to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery. This is the case with blushing. The veins in your face respond to a signal from the chemical transmitter adenylyl cyclase, which tells the veins to allow the adrenaline to do its magic. As a result, the veins in your face dilate, allowing more blood to flow through them than usual, creating the reddened appearance that tells others you're embarrassed. In other words, adrenaline causes more local blood flow in your cheeks.
I forget exactly how it goes but there is a trigger mechanism that is set off somehow by embarrassment that allows a greater flow of blood to the face, so your face goes red and there you have your blush. You grow out of it more than anything because it is related to embarassment.
I go red for one of three reasons:

I'm very very angry

I've just lied

or I've just caught the eye of a girl I really fancy

and every time I go red I know it and that seems to make it even worse.
it beacause your brain thinks 'oh crap' and then your blood vessels visodilate (expand and rise the the surface) which makes your face go red. and the only way to stop it is to not have any blood
it means u care for them and what they said made u feel special,happy,in love,etc.

dont be shy and u wont blush
I blush when i meet someone i haven't seen for ages and i hate it!!
nope i don't even think scientists have worked out why we blush yet!!!

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